About Mee

I am trustworthy because alot of people can trust me with everything. I do not tell the secrets people tell me to the world. I have alot of people that trust me not to tell.

I am entergetic i can not sit still. When i go places it is hard for me to stay under control. I am usually bouncing off the walls.

If you ask anyone the will tell you i am funny. I can make most anyone laugh at one point. I can just say some random thing and boom everyone is laughing.

My friend will also say i am really crazy. I will do the stupidest thing  just to be funny. I am really out of control and most of my people cant keep up with me. I seem to cause chaos.

Now people who don’t know me very good will say that im weird. I am pretty weird if you don’t know me that well. I can touch my tongue to my nose which is pretty weird though.

My teachers say i am very smart. I love to do English it is my favorite subject. I also make all A’s and B’s all the time.

I am also very random i will say words like pickle juice out of no where, especially when im texting people. I will also be sitting there talking to you i will say something very random. Occasionally ill give warnings but other than that its random.

I am very athletic, i play all kinds of sports. I played soccer for like a year and a half our team wasn’t the best but we won most of our games. I played basketball and volley ball for our school last year. This year i plan to play basketball, volleyball, soccer, and do something in track.

Most people older than me say im really annoying, i think its because i talk to much. I probably talk 95% of my day. I also tend to copy people but really i don’t do it on purpose it is just something you pick up after watching someone do the same thing over rand over again.

My best friend!

My best friend!

My favorite word to describe me wold be a textaholic!! All day everyday i also text people. I don’t care for talking on the phone but i absolutely love texting. Usually if i have your number but you cant text you probably wont here from me because i don’t care for talking on a phone. I have the best phone to do that too..blackberry pearl.

My brothers would say i am evil, i like to get then in trouble. At school or in public i am very nice but once im in my own home i change. I like to see my brothers in trouble for some odd reason. Haha.

Now time to tell you this i am really short! I am the shortest person in my family. I am one of the shortest out of my friends. I have been short since i was like 7 so im used to it.

I am very competitive..when we have volleyball games it makes me mad when we lose! Once we start losing by more than like ten points i give up on the team but i still try. In soccer once we lose by like 2 or 3 i start to give up and get mad. I still tell the other team good job though.

If you ask my aunt or teachers they will say im pretty good. I usually never in trouble. Ive never went to the principals office before. I have sportsmanship toward the teams we play! After the game we go shake and and say good job or good game. If i see them outside or in the parking lot i also say stuff like y’all did good or y’all were a good competition.

Now on the weekends i would describe myself as lazy. I never do anything on the weekend and if i do it would probably be on a Friday. I usually sit and watch TV or play some video games all Saturday and Sunday. occasionally i go to church.

Now when comes down to some things i tend to be selfish. Like when i have something and people beg and beg for it ill be selfish and wont give it to them. Lats say i have $50 and someone needs lunch money or they cant eat and they ask me ill say no you cant have it. Or when i have a water bottle and someone is dying of thirst and ask me for a drink ill still say nope!

Well now i can say i am very known. I know alot of people when i go places there is at least one person i see that i know. I practically know everyone at my school this year and last year. I know most eighth graders at another school. Lets just say if you ask 100 people if they know me %70 will say yeah!!

The best word of all is clumsy. I won a cake walk one year and then i got the best cake is was cheese cake and i was walking to put it in the car and boom it fell out on the ground..then i went in and told them so i got another cake and then boom it was on the ground to. I have dropped so much stuff it isn’t even funny. Ill be texting people while im laying down and ill forget my phone is in my hand then ill drop it right on my head and it really hurts.

Last but not least i am very cooperative! I get along with most anyone. I have friends of all size age and shape but nothing bothers me! I work well with other people then i do by myself and i think i even make better grades.

My familey is very nice except my brothers! They are always out to get me! My aunts and cousins are very beautiful and gourgous. My Brothers arnt that hansom but i guess you can say they are a little. My familey is also annoying and gets on my nerves. My baby cousin is very fun he is always up and active. My Uncle is exciting he is always doing something exstradinary.  My grandma you can say is kinda lazy. She dont ever really go anyway. She is nice though she is teaching me how to drive. Which is super awesome. So to round everything up is my familey is unique.

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